4 Reasons Why Wicker Baskets Are Eco-Friendly
16 août, 2017 par
Cummins Gordon
Everyone wants to use ecologically sound methods these days. It burnishes a company's image to use them, and it is the right thing to do. A great way to think green while rewarding clients and employees, getting organized and setting up displays is to use eco-friendly wicker baskets Not only are wicker baskets pretty and chic, they are also good for the Earth.  They accomplish this in a variety of ways.

Wicker Baskets Are Reusable

In fact, people would be hard pressed to throw such sturdy containers away. Baskets make excellent replacements for plastic or paper bags for your store. Regular customers can shop with them for years. When you present gifts to your employees and clients in baskets, the baskets find their way on to shelves as organizers, in closets as knick-knack holders and on desks as waste paper bins. This cuts down on the amount of stuff going to the local landfill.

Wicker Baskets Are Made From Sustainable Materials

Traditional wicker is from plants such as bamboo, rattan and seagrass. Bamboo is actually a grass and grows 3 times faster than traditional lumber sources. People can harvest a high yield from them after 3 to 7 years, and a single stand can produce 200 poles for 5 years. This means that you can harvest them in a sustainable way easily. Growing bamboo is good for the Earth on its own. They soak up carbon quickly and produce more oxygen than trees. The plant can prevent soil erosion as well.

Additionally, bamboo requires little water to grow, and is practically always grown pesticide-free. Growing it is a triple win for the environment, taking little and returning a lot. Rattan is the name for 600 hundreds types of vines from Asia. Rattan can be harvested sustainably, and it reduces the stress on forests.

Seagrasses are a group of flowering plants that grow under water. People grow them in flooded fields. They grow fast and people can harvest them in a sustainable way easily. They perform important work in taking carbon out of the air. A square kilometer of seagrasses can pull 83,000 metric tons of carbon out of the air and store it in soil beneath them.

Using these materials reduces the reliance on lumber that is not as easy to replace. Making baskets with bamboo, rattan and other sustainable materials lowers the products ecological footprint, meaning that you are using less of the Earth's resources. Plus, encouraging people to grow these plants improves the environment.

Cleaning Is Easy On The Environment

There are some containers than require soaps or cleaning products. Baskets are sustainable from creation to death, and maintaining them is asgreen as it gets. A deep cleaning requires that you to get a cotton cloth slightly damp with cold water and wipe it on the basket. Normal cleaning requires dusting with a feather duster or a natural bristle paintbrush. No cleaning products of any type required.

Wicker Baskets Are Biodegradable

Bamboo, rattan and seagrass are made of natural fibers. They are very strong and last a long time, but when you finally need to throw it out, it degrades into a nice, safe dirt. Sun and soil microorganisms render it without any side effects. Rattan and seagrasses likewise retire gracefully as compost at the end of their long, productive lives. So they are not only saving space in the landfill in the short-term because they are reused, but they ultimately take up no space at all in the long run.

When you want to try containers that are easy on the Earth, eco-friendly wicker baskets are a great way to go. Your customers and employees will appreciate your green thinking, and maybe you can even use them in an Earth Day promotion. When you do, you can contact us for a large array of choices. We can even customize the baskets for you.
Cummins Gordon 16 août, 2017
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